Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Peace Education

There is a website dedicated to compiling sites related to Montessori Peace Education. Being an early childhood Montessori teacher, it is very relevant to me, however, it is also a relevant site generally to anyone interested in peace education.

The book we read and discussed for week 3, The Soul of Education by Rachael Kessler mentions Montessorian Aline Wolf concerning responding to children involving spirituality in schools. In the list of Montessori sites on peace education, Aline Wolf's website is listed. I often read her book The Peaceful Classroom in my classroom and find it especially helpful at the beginning of the school year, however, I make a point to keep referring to it throughout the year. The children relate to the illustrations that are done by Montessori children all over the world. They are excited to know that there are classrooms so much like theirs across the country as well as in other countries on other continents.

Another book by Aline Wolf that is relevant to our topic of "soul in education" is Nurturing the Spirit in Non-Sectarian Classrooms. In Part 3 of this book she discusses a variety of ideas for "nurturing the spirit" of children in classrooms, such as cultivating stillness, wonder, cosmic education, care of the earth, and peace education. She also discusses explaining spiritual nurture to parents.

The website listing Montessori Peace Education sites is http://www.peace.ca/montessorisites.htm

Aline Wolf's website is www.parentchildpress.com

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really like the ideas of promoting peace in non sectarian classrooms. I can understand why people worry about religious education(I was a victim of religious prejudice as a minority student in the 3rd grade; the teacher told me I would "burn in hell" for my 8 year old beliefs.)But promoting peace is such a kind and caring way to introduce values to students. By creating an atmosphere where each individual has value we are creating adults that will have compassion and respect for their fellow human beings.